To learn the students with the fascinating area of solid state chemistry and super conductors and to appreciate the use of various diffraction methods in structural analysis and to understand the importance of co-ordinaiton compounds in the emerging field of supramolecular chemistry.
Introduction to the solid state, electrical, optical, magnetic and thermal properties of inorganic materials, general principles, experimental procedures, co-precipitation as a precursor to solid state reactions, kinetics of solid state reactions.
Preparative methods of inorganic solids (sol-gel and MOCVD processes) – crystallization of solutions, glasses, gels and melts, vapour phase transport methods, electrochemical reduction methods, preparation of thin films, growth of single crystals, high pressure and hydrothermal methods.
Laue method, Bragg method, Debye-Scherrer method of X-ray structural analysis of crystals, Miller indices, index reflections, identification of unit cells from systematic absences in diffraction pattern, structure of simple lattices and X-ray intensities, structure factor and its relation to intensity and electron density, phase problem; procedure of X-ray structure analysis, absolute configuration of molecules.
Electron and Neutron Diffraction (brief idea)
Semiconductors: influence of doping on band gap; applications – p-n junction, photovoltaic cell and solar conversion.
Optical properties: optical reflectance, photoconduction-photoelectric effects.
Superconductivity: Meissner effect, critical temperature and critical magnetic field – type I and II superconductors; ternary oxides – structure of 123 oxides (Y-Ba-Cu-O); BCS theory of superconductivity – Cooper Pair Electron.
Definition and development of supra molecular chemistry, classification of host guest compounds, nature of supramolecular interactions: ion-ion, dipole-ion and dipole-dipole; cation binding hosts, binding of anions, neutral molecules, organic molecules. Molecular recognition: molecular receptors for different types of molecules.
Strong weak and very weak hydrogen bonds, utilization of H-bonds to create supramolecular structure. arisonic substrates, design and synthesis of coreceptor molecules and multiple recognition.
Supramolecular reactivity: Transport processes and carrier design, carriers : cation, anion and coupled transport process.
Supramolecular devices- supramolecular photochemistry, supramolecular electronic, ionic and switching devices.
Supramolecular catalysis- supramolecular metallocatalysis, bimolecular and abiotic catalysis.
1. Solid State Chemistry and its Applications; A.R. West; John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 2004.
2. Principles of Solid State, First Edition; H.V. Keer; New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Solid State Chemistry, First Edition; D.K. Chakrabarty; New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
4. Supramolecular Chemistry, First Edition; Concepts and Perspectives; J.M. Lehn; VCH, Verlagsgesellschaft, Germany, 1995