To learn the chemistry of d and f- block elements and basic concepts of coordination chemistry.
Pre requisite: An elaborate idea of periodic table and electronic configurations
Introduction, electronic configuration, characteristic properties of d-block elements– metallic character, variable oxidation states and their stability, density, melting point and boiling point., catalytic properties, ionization energies, magnetic properties and its origin, measurement of magnetic moments, colour, complexation tendencies.
Electronic configuration, general characteristics, comparison of the elements of first transition series with second and third transition series with special reference to magnetic property, spectral property, stability of variable oxidation states and stereochemistry, ionic radii, complexation tendencies; metal-metal bonding and cluster compounds (elementary approach).
Introduction, Werner’s coordination theory, concept of effective atomic number (EAN concept), classification of ligands, chelation, polynuclear complexes, nomenclature of coordination compounds and methods of preparations.
Isomerism in coordination compounds, structural isomerism and its types, stereochemistry of complexes of 4 and 6 coordination number, valence bond theory applied on octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes.
Lanthanides: definition, position of lanthanides in the periodic table, separation of rare earth elements (solvent extraction and ion exchange method only), electronic configuration, physical properties, oxidation states, atomic and ionic radii, lanthanide contraction, causes and consequences of lanthanide contraction, magnetic and spectral properties; comparison between d- and f- block elements.
Actinides: definition, position of actinides in the periodic table, electronic configuration, general characteristics of actinides and their comparison with lanthanides with special reference to magnetic properties, spectral properties and oxidation states.