Types, route of synthesis, stability of organometalic compounds and decomposition pathways; synthesis and reaction of organomagnisium (Grignard reagent), organotin, organozink, organomanganese reagents.
Alkylidenes, alkylidynes, low valent carbenes and carbynes –synthesis, nature of bond, structural characteristics, role in organic synthesis.
Transition metal πcomplexes with unsaturated organic molecules, alkenes, alkynes, allyl, diene, arene complexes, preparation, properties, nature of bonding and structural features, important reaction relating to nucleophilic and electrophilic attack on ligands and to organic synthesis.
Fundamental reaction steps of transition metal catalysed reaction ;co-ordinative unsaturation oxidative addition, insertion and migration reaction, activation of sulphur heterocycles; C-H-bond activation reductive elimination.
Homogenous catalysis: Introduction properties of catalysis, types of reaction in homogenous catalysis, hydrogenation of alkenes, oligomerization and polymerization of alkenes and alkybes, oxo-process, Wakerprocess, monsantoacetic acid process, water gas shift reaction, hydrosilyation of alkenes, metathesis of alkenes, oxidation reactions of alkenes and phase transfer catalysis.
Uses of inorganic reagents in inorganic analysis: Potasium bromate, potassium iodate, ammonium vandate, ceric sulphate.
Uses of organic reagents in inorganic analysis ; Cupfrerron, DMG, dithiozone, aluminnon, oxine, dithioxamide, α-benzoinoximime, α-nitro-β-napthol, diphenylcabazone, diphenylcarbazide, benzidine, salicyladoxime, o-phenathroline.
[1] https://chemistry.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/organotransition-metal-chemistry-6
[2] https://chemistry.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2014-2015