Bohr’s theory to hydrogen-like atoms and ions; spectrum of hydrogen atom. Quantum numbers. Introduction to the concept of atomic orbitals; shapes, radial and angular probability diagrams of s, p and d orbitals (qualitative idea). Many electron atoms and ions: Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule, exchange energy, Aufbau principle and its limitation. Electronic energy level diagram and electronic configurations of hydrogen-like and polyelectronic atoms and ions up to atomic number 30.
Periodic table, group trends and periodic trends in physical properties.Classification of elements on the basis of electronic configuration. Modern IUPAC Periodic table. General characteristic of s, p, d and f block elements. Position of hydrogen and noble gases in the periodic table. Effective nuclear charges, screening effects, Slater’s rules, atomic radii, ionic radii (Pauling’s univalent), covalent radii. Ionization potential, electron affinity and electronegativity (Pauling’s, Mulliken’s and Allred-Rochow’s scales) and factors influencing these properties. Inert pair effect. Group trends and periodic trends in these properties in respect of s-, p- and d-block elements.
Size effects, radius ratio rules and their limitations. Packing of ions in crystals, lattice energy, Born-lande equation and its applications, Born-Haber cycle and its applications. Solvation energy, polarizing power and polarizability, ionic potential, Fajan’s rules. Defects in solids .
Lewis structures, formal charge. Valence Bond Theory, directional character of covalent bonds, hybridizations, equivalent and non-equivalent hybrid orbitals, Bent’s rule, VSEPR theory, shapes of molecules and ions containing lone pairs and bond pairs (examples from main groups chemistry), partial ionic character of covalent bonds, bond moment, dipole moment and electronegativity differences. Concept of resonance, resonance energy, resonance structures.
Molecular orbital concept of bonding (elementary pictorial approach):sigma and pi-bonds, multiple bonding, MO diagrams of H2, F2, O2, C2, B2, CO, NO, CN-, HF, and H2O; bond orders, bond lengths, Walsh Diagram. Coordinate bonding: Lewis acid-base adducts (examples), double salts and complex salts.
Hydrogen bonding: effect on the physical properties of compounds of the main group elements.
Metallic bonding: qualitative idea of band theory, conducting, semi conducting and insulating properties with examples from main group elements.