Basic Concepts of Physics

Paper Code: 
CHY - 314
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Mathematical Physics and Vector Calculus:

Scalar and vector products, triple and quadruple products.Scalar and vector fields, differentiation of a vector, gradient, divergence, curl and O operations and their meaning, Gauss and Stokes’ theorem (no derivations required).

Unit II: 
Classical Mechanics

Oscillations: Linearity and superposition principle, free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom, simple pendulum, combination of two simple harmonic motions. Lissajous figures, free and damped vibrations, forced vibrations and resonance, Q factor, wave equation, travelling and standing waves, superposition of waves, phase and group velocity.

Unit III: 
Wave Optics

Interference, Young’s double slit, interference in thin films and wedged shaped films. Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction: plane transmission grating, resolving power of a telescope and a microscope, resolving and dispersive power of a plane diffraction grating. Polarization: Polarization by reflection and refraction, Brewster’s law, quarter and half-wave plates, Production and analysis of circularly and elliptically polarized light.

Unit IV: 

Half-wave, full-wave and bridge rectifiers, ripple factor, rectification efficiency, filters (series in inductor, shunt capacitator, LC and π sections), voltage regulations, Zener diode as voltage regulator. Characteristic curves of bipolar transistors, the black box idea of CE, CB and CC transistor circuits as two-port network, negative and positive feedback. Barkhausen’s criterion for self-sustaining oscillations.

Unit V: 
Digital Electronics

Number systems (binary, BCD), Logic gates, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR and NXOR. Boolean algebra (Boolean laws and simple expressions), binary adders, half adder, half subtractor, full adder and full subtractor.

  1. Vector Analysis Schaum’s Outline Series ; Spiegel, M. R.. McGraw-Hill Book Co.: Singapore, 1974
  2. Concepts of Modern Physics ; Beiser, A. McGraw-Hill Education, 2002.
  3. Physics Vol. I and II Fifth Ed , Resnick, R., Halliday, D. & Krane, K. S., John Wiley & Sons, 2004
  4. Physics for Scientists and Engineers Sixth Ed ; Serway, R. A. & Jewett, J. W.
  5. Introduction to Electromagnetism Third Ed ; Griffiths, D. J.. Prentice-Hall, 1999.
  6. Digital Principles and Applications ; Malvino, A.P. & Leach, D. P. Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008.
  7. Electronic Fundamentals and Applications Fifth Ed.; Ryder, J. D., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2007.