Environmental Chemistry

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

acquire the knowledge of the chemical and photochemical reactions essential for the emergence and existence of the cycling and accumulation of pollutants in the environment, to understand the chemistry of elements and compounds in the atmosphere and water, and know about the processes that define the connections and the dependence between individual segments of environment and sustainability.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






Environmental Chemistry (Theory)

CO122:  Discuss the concept of structure and function of different layers of the environment and issues related to them.

CO123:  Analyse the national and global environmental issues related to atmosphere, water and natural resources.

CO124: Determine the range and extent of the water pollution with an understanding of some of the treatment procedures available.

CO125: Identify relationships between chemical exposure and its effects on physiological system.

CO126:Explain different natural resources, their management and conservation strategies.

CO127:Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive lectures, tutorials, group discussions and e-learning.


Learning activities for the students:

Peer learning, e- learning, problem solving through tutorials and group discussions.



Written examinations,

Assignments, Quiz



Unit I: 
General Aspects of Environmental Chemistry

Atmosphere and its interaction with hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere, composition of air, water, soil.

Atmospheric layers, vertical temperature profile, heat radiation budget of the earth atmosphere system. Properties of troposphere, thermodynamic derivation of lapse rate. Temperature inversion, pressure variation in atmosphere and scale height.

Biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and sulphur.

Earth’s carbon cycle, carbon emitters, carbon sequestration, carbon footprint and carbon trading.


Unit II: 
Chemical and Photochemical Reactions in Atmosphere

 Formation and reactions of O3, O2, NOx, SO2, hydroxyl radical, hydroperoxyl radical, organic radicals, etc.

Photochemical smog, green-house effect, ozone depletion and acid rain, effects and control of air pollutants-gaseous, particulates.


Unit III: 
Chemistry of Hydrosphere

Chemical reactions in aquatic environment, concept of oxygen demand -DO, BOD, COD, TDS, pH, conductivity, colloids, salinity. Aquatic pollution- sources (inorganic and organic pollutants, pesticides, industrial effluents, sewage, detergents and oil spills), effect of pollutants on aquatic life (flora and fauna), purification and treatment of water.


Unit IV: 
Environmental Toxicology

Toxicology: Threshold limiting value (TLV), LD50, toxicity and control of toxicants- nonmetallic compounds, asbestos, organic compounds (POP’s, phthalate, dioxins, PCB’s), pesticides, VOCs, endocrine disrupters.


Unit V: 
Renewable Energy

Introduction, applications, merits and demerits of solar energy, biomass energy, hydrothermal energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and hydrogen fuel cells.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Environmental Chemistry, Tenth Edition; Stanley E. Manahan; CRC Press; 2017.
  2. Environmental Chemistry, Ninth Edition; A. K. De; New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2018.


  1. Environmental Chemistry, Fifth Edition; Colin Baird; W.H. Freeman and company, New York, 2012.
  2. Chemistry of the Environment, Revised Third Edition; Thomas G. Spiro & William M. Stigliani; University Science Book, New Delhi, 2011.



  1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/104103020
  2. https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/Home/ViewSubject?catid=13G8VouhmrFfuhs6rkiyTA== (P-04)
  3. https://cfpub.epa.gov/ecotox/search.cfm (Environmental Toxicology)


Academic Year: