Solid State and Nanotechnology

Paper Code: 
24CHY424 C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

acquire with the concept of solid-state chemistry and super conductors, gain knowledge to use various diffraction methods in structural analysis and to understand the different aspects of nano materials.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CHY424 C


Solid State and Nanotechnology


CO197:Create inorganic solids through solid state reactions and assess their properties.

CO198:Analyze crystal structures using X-ray crystallography, interpret diffraction patterns, and understand cryo-electron microscopy and diffraction principles.

CO199:Discuss doping in semiconductor, p-n junctions, LEDs, and superconductivity basics.

CO200:Discuss nanotechnology principles, nanomaterial types, and diverse fabrication methods.

CO201:Explain the properties of nanomaterials, their stabilization techniques and applications.

CO202:Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive lectures, tutorials, group discussions and e-learning.


Learning activities for the students:

Peer learning, e- learning, problem solving through tutorials and group discussions.



Written examinations,

Assignments, Quiz



Unit I: 
Solid State Reactions and Preparative Methods of Inorganic Solids

Introduction to the solid state reactions, electrical, optical, magnetic and thermal properties of inorganic materials, general principles, experimental procedures, co-precipitation as a precursor to solid state reactions.

Preparative methods of inorganic solids-crystallization of solutions, glasses, gels and melts, vapour phase transport methods, electrochemical reduction methods, preparation of thin films, growth of single crystals, high pressure and hydrothermal methods. 

Unit II: 
X-ray Diffraction

Laue method, Bragg method, Debye-Scherrer method of X-ray structural analysis of crystals, Miller indices, identification of unit cells from systematic absences in diffraction pattern, structure of simple lattices and X-ray intensities, structure factor and its relation to intensity and electron density, phase problem; procedure of X-ray structure analysis.

Cryo-electron microscopy, electron diffraction and neutron diffraction (brief idea).


Unit III: 
Electronic Properties and Band Theory

Semiconductors: Influence of doping on band gap, applications, p-n junction, photovoltaic cell and solar conversion.

Optical properties: Optical reflectance, photoconduction-photoelectric effects, principle of LED, LCD.

Superconductivity: Meissner effect, critical temperature and critical magnetic field – type I and II superconductors, ternary oxides- structure of 123 oxides (Y-Ba-Cu-O), BCS theory of superconductivity, Cooper pair electron.


Unit IV: 
Introduction to Nanomaterials

Emergence in nanotechnology, types of nanomaterials, zero dimensional, one dimensional, two dimensional, advanced nanomaterials.

Fabrication methods- bottom up and top down approach, solution phase and vapor phase synthesis,

Physical methods- physical vapour deposition (evaporation, sputtering and plasma processing methods), chemical vapour deposition, epitaxial growth method, ball miling, lithography.

Chemical methods- sol-gel process, reduction method, self-assembly method, coprecipitation, microemulsion, solvothermal, microwave synthesis, evaporation, template synthesis, sonochemical synthesis, radiation assisted synthesis, chemical etching.

Biological methods- synthesis using microorganism, biological templates, plants and plant extracts.


Unit V: 
Properties and Applications of Nanomaterials

Properties of nanomaterials: Structural properties, electronic properties, magnetic properties, electrical properties, optical properties, mechanical properties. Surface energy controlling the different properties of nanomaterials.

Stabilization of nanoparticles: Electrostatic and steric stabilization of nanoparticles, quantum confinement effect, nanocatalyst.

Carbon nanomaterials- fullerenes, graphenes, nanotubes.

Applications and social impact- Energy-solar photovoltaics, solar thermal collectors, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, defense, nanomedicines.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Introduction to Nanotechnology, First Edition; R. Singh and S. M. Gupta; Oxford University Press, 2016.
  2. Principles of the Solid State, First Edition; H.V. Keer; New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, 2017.


  1. Solid State Chemistry and its Applications; Second Edition, A.R. West; Wiley, Singapore, 2014.
  2. Solid State Chemistry, Second Revised Edition; D.K. Chakrabarty; New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
  3. An Introduction to Nanomaterials and Nanoscience, A. K. Das, M. Das; CBS Publishers and Distributors Private Limited, 2014.



  1. (Band Theory)
  2. (Introduction to Nanomaterials)
  3. (NPTEL Course on Introduction to Nanomaterials)


Academic Year: