Basic principles, instrumentation and applications of UV-visible, IR, fluorimetry, atomic absorption and emission spectrophotometry. Basic principles, instrumentation and applications of ESR, NMR and mass spectroscopy (EI,CI, MALDI-TOF). Biochemical applications of fluorescence, emission, NMR and mass spectroscopy.
Radioactivity, Stable and radioactive isotopes, concepts of half life and decay, principles of scintillation counting, GM counters, applications of isotopes, Isotope dilution technique, autoradiography, turnover studies, precursor-product relationship, production of radio-labelled biomolecules, calculations involving isotopes, radiation hazards and methods for contaminant prevention. Nature of radioactivity, properties of α, β and γ-rays, measurement of radioactivity, use of radioisotopes in research, In vivo and in vitro labelling techniques, double labelling, quenching, internal standard, channel ratio, external standard ratio, emulsion counting, radioactive decay.
Principles of centrifugation, concepts of RCF, different types of instruments and rotors, preparative, differential and density gradient centrifugation, analytical ultracentrifugation, determination of molecular weights and other applications, the oxygen electrode, Organ perfusion, tissues homogenates in the study of intermediary metabolism. Use of various isotopes in metabolic studies.
Principles of electrophoretic separation, zonal and continuous electrophoresis, paper, cellulose acetate/nitrate, gel and capillary electrophoresis, use of native and denaturating gels, Isoelectric focussing and two dimensional gel electrophoresis, electroporation, pulse field gel electrophoresis, Gradient gels.
Pre requisites- Paper and thin layer chromatography. Chromatography, principles of adsorption, partition and ion-exchange chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, GC , GC-MS and HPLC. X-ray Crystallography - protein crystals, Bragg's law, unit cell, isomorphous replacement, fiber pattern of DNA.