Pre requisite: Delocalized chemical bond – conjugation, cross conjugation, resonance and field effects. hyperconjugation, tautomerism.
Aromaticity in benzenoid and non-benzenoid compounds, alternant and non-alternant hydrocarbons, Huckel’s rule and Möbius system, energy level of π molecular orbitals in simple systems (ethylene, 1, 3 butadiene, benzene and allylic system), Huckel’s theory of conjugated systems, bond order and charge density calculations, applications to ethylene, and butadiene. Annulenes, fullerenes, antiaromaticity, homoaromaticity, PMO approach, steric inhibition to resonance.
Bonds weaker than covalent – addition compounds, phase transfer catalysis and crown ether complexes, cryptands, inclusion compounds, cyclodextrins, catenanes, rotaxanes and Kekulene.