To learn the importance of metalloenzymes used in biosystems and metals in medicine.
Pre requisite: Essential and trace elements, macrominerals - a general idea of metal ions in biological systems: bulk and trace metals with special reference to Na, K, Mg, Fe, Cu
Metal Storage and Transport: Ferritin, Transferrin, Siderophores, Celluloplasmin,and serum albumin for copper.
Calcium in Biological Systems: calcium in living cells, transport and regulation of Ca2+ ions in higher organisms, molecular aspects of intramolecular processes, extracellular binding proteins.
Zinc enzymes-carboxypeptidase and carbonic anhydrase; alcoholic dehydrogenase, iron enzymes – catalase, peroxidase and cytochrome P-450; copper enzymes – superoxide dismutase; vitamin B12 and B12 coenzymes.
Fe, Zn and Cu deficiency in toxicity- Cu overload and Wilson’s disease, iron toxicity, toxicity of As, Cd, Hg and Pb, metal complexes in medicines, chelation therapy, BAL, penicilamine, poly amino carboxylic acid and desferrioxamine-gold compounds, rheumatoid arthritis – Pt-complexes as anticancer, metal complexes in radiodiagnosis, MRI.
Basics- nucleic acid structure, fundamental interactions and reactions with nucleic acids, applications of different metal complexes that binds nucleic acids, conformational probes, metal-nucleic acid interactions with special references to zinc finger protein.