Paper Code: 
CHY 216
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

 Course Objective(s):

This course will enable the students to -

  • understand the concept of separation of mixtures containing acid, basic and interfering radicals.
  • have an in-depth knowledge of the factors responsible for the placement of cations in their respective groups.

Course Outcomes (COs):

Course Outcomes

Teaching Learning Strategies



On completion of this course, the students will be able to-

CO59: detect various cations and anions in the presence of each other in a given mixture qualitatively.

CO60: detect interfering radicals and will be able to remove them before proceeding the third group.

  • Demonstrations
  • Peer learning
  • Interactive lectures
  • Problem solving exercise,
  • Handouts and manuals


  • Viva voce
  • Quiz



Unit I: 

Inorganic Chemistry 

Semi- micro Analysis- separation and identification of six radicals, three cations (Groups 0, I, II, III, IV, V and VI) and  three anions ( with combinations and interfering radicals)


Essential Readings: 




  • Semimicro Qualitative analysis, J.P. Tandon, Lal Manohar ,R.K. Bansal ; University of Rajasthan, Jaipur,1979.



Marking Scheme

The duration of examination will be 4 hrs.

The following excercise will be set in the examination

  • Inorganic Chemistry-Semi micro analysis                                         60 marks
  • Viva                                                                                                    10 marks

                                                                                    Total            70 marks

Qualitative Mixture Analysis:

  1. The exercise  carries 60 marks. Not more than one typical combination of acid radical or two basic radicals of the same group will be given in a mixture of six radicals consisting of three basic and three acidic radicals including interfering radicals.
  2. Nine marks shall be awarded for each radical correctly reported and properly recorded which are further divided as-three marks will be awarded for  each correct radical if only dry test or preliminary tests are given, four marks may be awarded to a candidate if she has approached in a  systematic and correct manner towards the analysis of basic and acid radicals. Two marks shall be awarded for merely reporting the correct radical.
  3. Six marks shall be provided for correct observation and detailed reporting of the radicals.


Oral questions shall generally be asked over the work assigned to the candidate.
The purpose is to find out as to what extent the candidate has understanding the basic principles of chemistry of the practical work.

Academic Year: