Chemistry Laboratory XIX

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

record and interpret the UV, IR spectra, NMR and Mass spectra by synthesizing organic compounds.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code





Chemistry Laboratory XIX


CO237: Characterize organic molecules by different spectral techniques.

CO238: Demonstrate and apply common laboratory techniques for organic synthesis.

CO239: Employ spectrophotometric techniques for the estimations of prescribed biomolecules.

CO240: Compile and report the results efficiently and develop communication skills.

CO241: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.


Approach in teaching:

Laboratory instructions and



Learning activities for the students:

Peer learning, hands-on-learning,

interpretation of data, record writing and learning through virtual labs.


Conduction of experiments, lab Records, viva voce and  quiz.


Unit I: 

Synthesis and characterization of given organic compounds-

  1. To record the IR spectrum of the synthesized compound and interpret the vibrational frequencies
  2. To determine the absorption maxima of the synthesized compound spectrophotometrically in different solvents.
  3. To interpret the NMR spectra of the synthesized compounds
  4. To observe the mass spectral fragmentation pattern in the synthesized compound and predict the base peak and molecular ion peak.


One step synthesis (any two)

  1. Aldol condensation (Synthesis of dibenzal propanone)
  2. Acetylation (synthesis of acetanilide from aniline)
  3. Pechmann Condensation for Coumarin synthesis (Clay catalyzed solid state synthesis of 7- hydroxy -4-methyl coumarin)

Two step synthesis (any three)

  1. Benzoin → benzil → benzilic acid
  2. Benzophenone → benzopinacol → benzopinacolone
  3. Acetanilide → p-bromoacetanilide → p-bromoaniline
  4. Acetanilide → p-nitroacetanilide → p-nitroaniline
  5. Resorcinol → fluorescein → eosin


     Extraction of Organic Compounds from Natural Resources (any one)

  1. Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves.
  2. Isolation of casein from milk.
  3. Isolation of lactose from milk.


Scheme of Examination


The duration of examination will be 6 hrs.

The following exercises will be set in the examination

Organic Synthesis                                                          35 marks

Spectral Characterization                                                20 marks

Viva                                                                              15 marks

Total                                                                            70 marks


  1. Organic synthesis

This exercise carries 20 marks. Synthesis will be allotted to the candidates by lot. The yield, purity, crystallization and recording of m.p. will be given due consideration while awarding marks. 


  1. Spectral Characterization

This exercise carries 35 marks. The organic compound synthesised in the laboratory will be characterized on the basis of various spectroscopic techniques. The distribution of marks will be as follows.

  • Recording and interpretation of IR spectrum                    7 marks
  • Determination of absorption maxima                              14 marks
  • Interpretation of the NMR and Mass spectrum               14 marks


  1. Viva

Oral questions shall generally be asked over the work assigned to the candidate. The purpose is to find out as to what extent the candidate has an understanding of the basic principles.




Essential Readings: 
  1. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, Fifth Edition, B.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.G. Smith, A.R. Tatchell; Addison – Wesley Publishing Company, 2014.
  2. Practical Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition; F.C. Mann and B.C. Saunders; Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.


  1. Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry, J. Leonard, B. Lygo and G. Procter; Third Edition; CRC Press, 2013.



  1. (Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves)
  2. (Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves)
  3. ( Isolation of casein from milk-
  4. (Isolation of lactose from milk )
  5. (spectral characterization)


Academic Year: