Laboratory Course

Paper Code: 
BCH 226
Contact Hours: 

A. ANALYTICAL METHODS                                

1.    Biochemical preparations-

  • Testing of egg albumin, casein, glucosamine, cysteine, ATP glycogen,
  •  Analysis of DNP amino acids and separation by TLC and determination of Rf value.Determination of calcium in milk powder/ food stuffs.

2.    Determination of iron in food stuffs by colorimetry.

3.    Determination of iron in food stuffs by colorimetry.
4.    Methods of cell disruption. Preparation of tissue
        homogenates using different homogenizers.
5.    Lipid analysis. Determination of lipid content in oil seeds.
        Triglyceride composition by TLC in germination seeds.
6.    Nitrogen estimation by Micro-Kjeldahl Method. Total nitrogen
         excretion in humans, balance studies.

B. CARBOHYDRATE AND LIPID ANALYSIS                        

  1. Differential analysis of sugars in a mixture.
  2. Use of polarimetry for configurational analysis of carbohydrates.
  3.  Estimation of sucrose.
  4. Determination of iodine number, saponification and acid value of a fat.
Unit I: 
Essential Readings: 
  1. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry, Third edition, Plummer, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2002.
  2. Hawk’s Physiological Chemistry, Bernard L Oser, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1954.
  3.  Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry; Fifth Edition; B.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.D. Smith, A.R. Tatchell; Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd., England, 1998.
  4. Enzymes, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Clinical Chemistry, First edition, Trevor Palmer, Harwood Publishing Ltd., 2001.
Academic Year: