Laboratory Course

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Laboratory Safety measures

Handling of hazardous chemicals, incompatible chemicals, flammable solvents, fire hazards in chemical laboratory, control of fire, fire extinguishers, toxicity of chemicals, forms of toxic materials, personal protective equipments, health effects and first aid, MSDS (material safety data sheet), use of compressed gases, waste minimization strategies and chemical waste disposal, procedures for neutralization of strong acids and strong bases.



Unit II: 
Inorganic Chemistry

Qualitative Analysis: Semimicro Analysis – (three cations and three anions)

a) cation analysis, separation and identification of ions from groups I-VI.

b) anion analysis. (no interfering radicals and insolubles).


Unit III: 
Physical Chemistry

Surface Tension: To determine the percentage composition of a mixture (non interacting systems) by surface tension method.

Viscosity: To determine the percentage composition of a mixture (non interacting systems) by viscosity method. To determine the viscosity of alcohol in water at different concentration


  1. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry; Twenty-second Edition; J.B.Yadav; Goel Publishing House, Merrut, 2005.
  2. Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis; Sixth Edition; G. Svehla; Orient Longman Ltd. New Delhi.
  3. Semimicro Qualitative analysis; J.P.Tandon, LalManohar , R.K.Bansal ; University of Rajasthan ,Jaipur,1979.


Academic Year: