Laboratory Course XI

Paper Code: 
CHY- 615
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 

Qualitative Analysis

Separation, purification and identification of components of a mixture of two and three organic compounds (Two/three solids, one/two solid and one liquid) using TLC for checking the purity of separated compounds.


Marking Instructions


The duration of examination will be 4 hrs.


The following exercises will be set in the examinations

Organic Chemistry: Mixture analysis                                    55 marks

Viva                                                                                        15 marks       

                Total                                                                                   70 marks


3. Mixture analysis

This exercise carries 55 marks for the identification of two organic compounds; Five marks are reserved for the proper selection of separation technique, rest of the50 marks are kept for the identification of two organic compounds (25 marks each)


  1. Physical properties: colour, state, odour                    2 marks
  2. Solubility                                                                    2 marks
  3. Aliphatic/ Aromatic                                                    3marks
  4. Element detection                                                       4 marks
  5. Functional group                                                         3 marks
  6. M.P/B.P.                                                                     2 marks
  7. Confirmatory test                                                        3 marks
  8. Derivative – procedure & M.P.                                  3 marks
  9. Result                                                                          3 marks




4. Viva

Oral questions shall generally be asked over the work assigned to the candidate. The purpose is to find out as to what extent the candidate has understanding the basic principles of chemistry.





  1. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry; Fifth Edition; B.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford, P.W.D. Smith, A.R. Tatchell; Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd., England, 1998.
  2. Organic Analytical Chemistry , JagMohan , Himalaya Publishing House ,1992



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