Mechanism of Organic Reactions

Paper Code: 
CHY- 222
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives :

The course aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of different types of reaction mechanisms i.e. substitution, elimination and addition reactions of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds.

Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

CHY 222

Mechanism of Organic Reactions

 The students will be able to-

CO53- illustrate the mechanistic and stereochemical aspects of the substitution, elimination and addition reaction of aliphatic and aromatic organic compounds.  CO54- predict the formation of specific products in an organic reaction

CO55- differentiate between kinetically and thermodynamically controlled reaction.

CO56- demonstrate basic knowledge of frontier molecular orbital theory in organic reactions and of the HSAB principle.

CO57-illustrate the mechanistic concepts to specific name reactions

CO58-apply the basic principles involved in C-C and C-hetero multiple bond formation and be able to illustrate specific name reactions using these principles

Interactive lectures








Power Point presentation

Written Test








Group Activity


Semester end examination





Unit I: 
Substitution and Elimination
Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution: SN1, SN2, mixed SN1 and SN2, ion pair and SN1 mechanism, SNi mechanism, neighbouring group participation; substitution at allylic and vinylic carbon atoms,ambident nucleophiles, effect of substrate structure, nucleophile, leaving group, reaction medium on the reactivity.Regioselectivity.
Elimination Reactions:  E2, E1, E1CB and E2C (syn elimination) mechanisms, E1 – E2 – E1CB spectrum, orientation of the double bond, effect of substrate structure, attacking base, leaving group and reaction medium on reactivity.Mechanismand orientation in pyrolytic elimination.
Unit II: 
Aromatic Substitution

(a) Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution:SNAr, benzyne and SRN1 mechanism, effect of substrate structure, leaving group and attacking nucleophiles on reactivity.Typical     reactions –  Bucherer reaction, Rosenmund,Von-Braun reaction, von-Richter,         Sommelet-Houser and Smiles rearrangement.

(b) Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution:Arenium ion mechanism, orientation and reactivity,  energy profile diagrams.Directiveinfluence and its explanation in different substitutions. o/p ratio, ipso attack, substitution reactions involving diazonium ions,Vilsmeir-Haack reaction., Friedel-Craft reaction: alkylation, arylation (Scholl reaction), acylation (ring closer, Haworth reaction, Hoesch reaction).



Unit III: 
Aliphatic Electrophilic Substitution & Free Radical Substitution Reactions

Aliphatic Electrophilic Substitution: bimolecular mechanism– SE2 and SEi, the SE1 mechanism, substitution accompanied  by double bond shifts, halogenation, sulphonation,  aliphatic diazonium coupling, direct amination, metalation with organometallic compounds,trans metalation with metal and metal halides, insertion by nitrenes, insertion by carbenes, acylation at an aliphatic carbon. Effect of substrates, leaving group and solvent polarity on the reactivity.

Free radical substitution mechanisms, mechanism at an aromatic substrate,neighbouring group participation and free radical rearrangements,  reactivity for aliphatic and aromatic substrates, reactivity at bridgehead,  reactivity of the attacking radical and effect of solvent on reactivity.

Important reactions involving free radicals:Sandmeyer and Gattermann reaction, Hunsdiecker reaction, Gomberg-Bachmann reaction, coupling of alkynes.


Unit IV: 
Addition to C-C and C-Hetero Multiple Bonds
Addition to C-C multiple bond: mechanistic and stereochemical aspects of addition reaction involving electrophiles, nucleophiles and free radical, regio and chemo selectivity, orientation and reactivity, addition to cyclopropane ring, hydrogenation of aromatic rings.
Addition to C-Hetero Multiple Bonds: mechanism of metal hydride reduction of saturated and unsaturated carbonyl compounds, acids, esters and nitriles, addition of Grignard reagents, organozinc, organocopper and organolithium reagents to carbonyl and  unsaturated  carbonyl systems.
Unit V: 
Enolate Chemistry

Formation of enolates, kinetic and thermodynamic control, 1,2 vs 1,4  addition, HSAB principle, reactions of enolate anions with electrophiles: O and C alkylation. Enolate condensation reactions: synthetic applications of inter and intramolecular Aldol condensations, Claisen, Dieckmann, Knoevenagel, Stobbe’s condensations. Stereoselective enolate reactions: diastereoselection, Zimmermann-Traxler model, Evans mode. Baylis-Hillmann reaction, Robinson annulation.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure; Fourth Edition; J. March; John Wiley and Sons Asia Private Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
  2. Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A & B; Fourth Edition; Francis A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2001.
  3. Principles of Organic Synthesis; Third Edition; R.O.C. Norman and J.M. Coxon; Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, 2003.
  4. A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry; Sixth Edition; P. Sykes;Pearson Education, Delhi, 2011.
  5. Supplement for Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry; First Edition; J. D. Roberts and M. C. Caserio; W. A. Benzamin Inc., New York, 1965.
  6. Organic Chemistry.Vol. I and II; Singh, Mukherjee and Kapoor; Wiley Eastern Limited,New Delhi,1993.
Academic Year: