Natural Products and SeparationTechniques

Paper Code: 
CHY 144 C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Terpenoids, Carotenoids and Alkaloids

Classification, nomenclature, occurrence, general methods of structure determination, isoprene rule; stereochemistry and synthesis of the following representative molecules: Citral, and Menthol.

Alkaloids: Definition, nomenclature, physiological action, occurrence, general methods of stereochemistry and synthesis of the following: Ephedrine and (+)-Nicotine

Unit II: 

Occurrence, nomenclature, basic skeleton, Diel’s hydrocarbon and stereochemistry. Structure determination and synthesis of  Androsterone and  Testosterone.


Unit III: 
Plant Pigments

Occurrence,  nomenclature and general methods of structure determination. Isolation and synthesis of Apigenin, Luteolin, Quercetin, Myrcetin, Quercetin 3-glucoside, Vitexin, Diadzein, Butcin, Aureusin, Cyanidin-7-arabinoside, Cyanidin,Hirsutidin, Biosynthesis of flavonoids: Acetate pathway and Shikimic acid pathway.
Prostaglandins: Ocurrence, nomenclature, classification, biosynthesis  and physiological effects. Synthesis of PGE2 and PGF2n  
Pyrethernoids and Rotenones: Synthesis and reactions of  Pyrethernoids and Rotenones


Unit IV: 
Separation Techniques I

Need for learning separation techniques, separation techniques in natural product research and drug discovery, extraction techniques. Chromatography: General principles, classification of chromatographic techniques, normal and reversed phase, bonded phase chromatography, stationary phases, activity of stationary phases, elutropic series, and separation mechanisms.
Column Chromatography: Column packing, sample loading, column development, and detection. Flash and Vacuum Liquid Chromatography: Objectives, optimization studies, selection of column and stationary phases, selection of mobile phases. Automated flash chromatography, and reverse phase flash chromatography.

Unit V: 
Separation Techniques II

 Principles, instrumentation, peak shapes, capacity factor, selectivity, plate number and plate height, resolution, band broadening. HPLC Instrumentations: Pumps, injector, detectors, and columns. Column problems, gradient HPLC, HPLC solvents, trouble shooting, sample preparation, method development.
Planar Chromatography – TLC/HPTLC/OPLC: Basic principles, sample application, development of plates, visualization of plates, 2D TLC, densitometry, and over pressure layer chromatography.
Counter-current Chromatography: Basic principles, droplet counter current chromatography, centrifugal partition chromatography, choice of solvents for SP and MP. Gas Chromatography: Principles, instrumentation, split-splitless injector, head space sampling, columns for GC, detectors, and quantification.
Hyphenated Techniques:  Introduction to GC-MS  and LC-MS techniques and their application in natural products.


Suggested Readings

  1. Organic Chemistry, Vol 2; Sixth Edition; I.L. Finar; Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2002.
  2. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Eighth Edition; D.A. Skoog, D.M. West and F.J. Holler; Saunders College Publishing, Philadephia, 2007.
  3. Principles of Instrumental Analysis; Seventh Edition; Skoog, D.A., Holler F.J. and S.R. Crouch; Cengage Learning, USA, 2016
  4. Instrumental Methods of Analysis; Seventh Edition; Willard, Hobert H. et. al, CBS, 2004
  5. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry; Fourth Edition; Khopkar, S.M., New Age International Pvt Ltd, 2020.


Academic Year: