Introduction, nuclear spin, quantum number and its calculation using nuclear shell model spin pairing rule, chemical shift and factors affecting chemical shift, spin-spin interaction, factors affecting coupling constant, shielding mechanism, chemical shift values and correlation for protons bonded to carbon (aliphatic, olefinic, aldehydic and aromatic) and other nuclei (alcohols, phenols, enols, carboxylic acids, amines, amides and mercaptides), chemical exchange, effect of deuteration, complex spin-spin interaction between two, three, four, and five nuclei (first order spectra), hindered rotation, Karplus curve variation of coupling constant with dihedral angle, simplification of complex spectra – nuclear magnetic double resonance, contact shift reagents, dynamic NMR spectroscopy.
Solvent effects, Fourier transform technique and its advantages, nuclear overhauser effect (NOE), a brief idea of compounds carrying NMR active nuclei like N15, F19, P31.