To learn the fundamentals of thermodynamics and to describe thermodynamics at a molecular level and apply the concepts for the study of equilibrium reactions and reaction rates.
Pre requisite: Laws of thermodynamics, free energy, chemical potential and entropies.
Therodynamics of open system: Partial molar properties and their significance, chemical potential , Gibbs- Duhem equation , variation of chemical potential with temperature and pressure , chemical potential in a system of ideal gases, Clasius-Clapeyron equation and its application, fugacity and activity, determination of fugacity , the concept of activity and activity coefficient.
Quantum mechanical aspects: introduction, thermodynamic probability and most probable distribution, , common terms- canonical ensemble, occupation number, statistical weight factor, configuration, phase space, macroscopic state, microscopic; state, system, assembly and ensemble; statistical equilibrium, Boltzmann distribution law and its applications to metal, type of statistics- Bose-Einstein statistics and its application to helium, Fermi-Dirac statistics - distribution.
Molecular partition function for an ideal gas, translational partition function, rotational partition function, vibrational partition function, electronic partition function, nuclear partition function, translational energy of the gas, translational entropy of a monoatomic gas, translational enthalpy, translational heat capacity, translational Helmholtz function.
Internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, helmholtz function, pressure, Gibbs functions, residual entropy, equilibrium constant, equipartition principle, chemical potential, heat capacity of mono and diatomic gases, o and p- hydrogen and mixture of the two ring o-hydrogen and p-hydrogen heat capacity of solids.
Entropy, probability, Boltzmannn-planck equation, significance of thermodynamics probability, entropy of expansion of ideal gas, residual entropy, molecular basis of residual entropy, statistical calculation of entropy, entropy of mono atomic molecules- the Sackur-Tetrde equation, vibrational entropy, nuclear spin entropy, virtual entropy, rotational entropy, comparison of third law and statistical entropies, random orientation in the solids, entropy of hydrogen and deuterium.
1. An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics, Sixth Revised Edition; R.P Rastogi and R.R Misra; Vikas publishing, Pvt Ltd. New Delhi, 1995.
2. Thermodynamics For Students Of Chemistry, Second Edition; K.Rajaram and J.C Kuriacose; S.L.N Chand and Company, Jalandhar.
3. Chemical thermodynamics, Fourth Edition; I.M Klotz and R.M Rosenberg; W.A Benzamin Publishers, California.
4. Statistical thermodynamics, Second Edition; M.C Gupta; New Age International Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.
5. Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry; S.H Maron and J.B Lando; MacMillan Publishers, Newyork.
6. Physical Chemistry, A Molecular Approach, First Edition; D.A. Mc Qurrie and J.D Simon; Viva Low Priced Student Edition, New Delhi, 1998.
7. Thermodynamics for Chemists, Third Edition; Samuel Glasston; Affiliated East -West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.