Transition Metal Complexes: Bonding and Spectra

Paper Code: 
CHY - 501
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To learn the nature of metal-ligand bonding in coordination compounds and understand the magnetic and spectral aspects of transition metal complexes and their applications.



Unit I: 
Metal-ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes –I

Pre requisite: Valence bond theory.


Limitations of VBT, crystal field theory- important postulates, crystal field splitting of d-orbitals in octahedral and tetrahedral complexes, factors affecting the magnitude of  Δ0, calculation of crystal field stabilization energy; strong and weak ligands, spectrochemical series; distribution of d-electrons in t2g and eg orbitals in octahedral and tetrahedral complexes.


Unit II: 
Metal-ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes –II

Distortion of octahedral complexes, crystal field splitting of d-orbitals in square planar complexes and Jahn Teller theorem; use of CFSE values, number of unpaired electrons and high spin (HS) and low spin (LS) complexes,applications and limitations of CFT.


Unit III: 
Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes

Pre requisite: Types of magnetism.             


Types of magnetic behaviour, methods of determining magnetic susceptibility, spin only formula, correlation of μs and μ eff values; orbital contribution to magnetic moments,

applications of magnetic moment data for 3d-complexes.



Unit IV: 
Electronic Spectra of Transition Metal Complexes

Types of electronic transitions; coupling of orbital angular momenta and spin angular momenta (in p2 and d2 configuration), spin orbit coupling/LS coupling, determining the ground state terms – Hund’s rule, hole formulation, calculation of the number of micro states; selection rules- Laporte ‘orbital’ selection rule, spin selection rule, spectroscopic ground states; Orgel energy level diagram for d1&d9 states, discussion of electronic spectrum of [Ti(H2O)6]+3 complex.


Unit V: 
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Stability of Metal Complexes

Definition of stability, stepwise and overall formation constants, kinetic v/s thermodynamic stability, labile and inert complexes, factors affecting the stability of complexes; the ligand substitution reactions in square-planar complexes, the trans-effect, theories of trans-effect and its uses.                                



  1. A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry; Fifth Edition; J.D. Lee; Blackwell Science, London, 2000.
  2. Inorganic Chemistry; Third Edition; D.F. Shriver and P.W. Atkins; Oxford University Press, New York, 1999.
  3. Inorganic Chemistry; Third Edition; Alan G. Sharpe; AWL Publication, England, 1999.
  4. Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry; Third Edition; Bodie Douglas, Darl McDaniel, John Alexander; John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 2001.
  5. General and Inorganic Chemistry (Part - II); R. Sarkar; New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. Kolkata, 2005.
  6. Coordination Chemistry; D. Banerjea; Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1993.



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