Advanced Chemical Kinetics

Paper Code: 
24CHY425 C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

acquire knowledge about kinetics of some special reactions and different techniques of fast reaction, understand the different type of PES and molecular reaction dynamics.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CHY425 C


Advanced Chemical Kinetics (Theory)

CO203:Derive rate law for atom and radical combination, solid state, polymerization, electron transfer reaction and understand methods for the kinetic studies of fast reactions.

CO204:Establish rate law for catalytic reactions using steady state approximation and equilibrium treatment.

CO205:Describe adsorption phenomena for surface reaction, and establish rate law for unimolecular and bimolecular surface reaction.

CO206:Interpret a reaction coordinate diagram (potential energy surface) and theoretically deduce reaction pathways employing the molecular beam method.

CO207:Explain kinetics of photochemical reactions.

CO208:Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive lectures, tutorials, group discussions and e-learning.


Learning activities for the students:

Peer learning, e- learning, problem solving through tutorials and group discussions.



Written examinations,

Assignments, Quiz



Unit I: 
Kinetics of Some Special Reactions

Kinetics and mechanism of atom and radical combination reactions, kinetics of solid-state reactions, polymerization reaction, electron transfer reactions.

Fast reactions: Introduction, study of different techniques for fast reactions, flow techniques, relaxation techniques (including derivations), flash photolysis, shock tubes.


Unit II: 
Kinetics of Catalyzed Reactions

General catalytic mechanism: Equilibrium treatment, steady state treatment, activation energies for catalyzed reactions. 

Acid-base catalysis: Mechanism, catalytic activity and acid base strength, acidity functions.

Enzyme catalysis: Michaelis-Menten mechanism, influence of substrate concentration, influence of pH, influence of temperature, transient phase kinetics.

Micellar catalysis, phase transfer catalysis, kinetics of inhibition.


Unit III: 
Reactions on Surfaces

Competitive adsorption, non-ideal adsorption, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of adsorption, structures of solid surfaces and adsorbed layers, mechanism of surface reactions, unimolecular surface reactions, bimolecular surface reactions, transition state theory of surface reactions.


Unit IV: 
Molecular Reaction Dynamics

Molecular dynamical calculations: Reaction of H + H2, reaction of Br + H2. Chemiluminescence. Potential energy surfaces: Selective enhancement of a reaction, disposal of excess energy, gradual and sudden surfaces, influence of rotational energy. Molecular beams: principle of crossed molecular beams, molecular encounter and principle parameters e.g. impact parameter, collision cross-section, reaction cross section and relation between reaction cross section and reaction rate (single velocity). 


Unit V: 
Photophysical Chemistry

Photochemical reactions: photochemical primary process, law of photochemical equivalence, fate of the excited molecules. Photophysical kinetics of unimolecular processes, delayed fluorescence, effect of temperature, bimolecular collisions in gases and solutions, mechanism and kinetics of quenching: Stern-Volmer equation, concentration dependence of quenching and excimer formation.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Chemical Kinetics, Third Edition; K.J. Laidler; Pearson Education Private Limited, Singapore, 2013.
  2. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics, First Edition; S. K. Upadhyay; Springer Netherlands, 2010.


Academic Year: