Department News

B.Sc. Semester I
Day & Date Time Paper Code & Title Units to be Covered Teacher Incharge
Tuesday, 10.09.2010 12:15 - 1:00 PM CHY 101- Molecular Structure and Bonding UNIT I & II Ms. Manisha Patni (Sec.A) And Dr. Deepshika Garg (Sec.B)
Thursday, 12.09.2010 12:15 - 1:00 PM CHY 102-Some Concepts of Organic Chemistry and  Hydrocarbons UNIT I & II Dr. Pragya Sinha (Sec.A) And Dr. Poonam Parihar(Sec.B)
Monday, 16.09.2010 12:15 - 1:00 PM CHY 103 States of Matter UNIT I & IV Ms. Vishakha Sharma(Sec.A)And Dr. Deepak Singh (Sec.B)
B.Sc. Semester III
Tuesday, 10.09.2010 11:15 - 12:00 PM CHY 301-Inorganic Chemistry-II UNIT I & II Dr. Poonam Parihar
Thursday, 12.09.2010 11:15 - 12:00 PM CHY 302-Functionalized Organic Compounds-I (Carbon-Halogen and Carbon- Oxygen/Sulphur Bonds) UNIT I & II Dr. Pragya Sinha
Monday, 16.09.2010 11:15 - 12:00 PM CHY 303-Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry UNIT I & II Ms. Vishakha Sharma
B.Sc. Semester V
Tuesday, 10.09.2010 10:30 - 11:15 AM CHY 501-Transition Metal Complexes: Bonding and Spectra UNIT I & II Dr. Varsha Goyal
Thursday, 12.09.2010 10:30 - 11:15 AM CHY 502-Biomolecules, dyes and Spectral techniques UNIT I & IV Dr. Deepshikha Garg
Monday, 16.09.2010 10:30 - 11:15 AM CHY 503-Introduction to Quantum Mechanics   UNIT I & II Dr. Deepak Singh
Section A: will contain 5 objective type questions of 1 marks each, atleast 2 questions from each unit. All questions will be compulsory
Section B:will contain in all 4 questions. 2 questions (with internal choice) from each unit. The students are required to answer 2 questions, one question from each unit. Each question will be of 2 marks
Section C:will contain 2 questions in all, taking 1 question from each unit. The students are required to answer any 1 question. Each question will carry 6 marks.



All Chemistry students of UG/PG/Research classes are required to note that, henceforth they will not be permitted to work in Laboratory without the use of following :


1.   Safety glasses

2.   Hand gloves

3.   Full sleeve lab coat

4.   Shoes


All students are required to procure the same and start using them at the earliest, failing which they will not be allowed to work in the Laboratory.




The Department of Chemistry is organising a one day Symposium on 15 September 2012 as a part of celebration of  International Day for preservation of ozone layer .All UG and PG students of Chemistry and of science faculty are invited to attend the same.Interested students may register themselves by filling up a registration form available with their respective head of department by 10 september2012.



The Department of Chemistry is organising a poster exhibition on 15 September 2012 to celebrate the" International day for the preservation of the ozone layer".For the department invites posters  on any one of the topic :

1. Protecting our atmosphere for the generation to come

2. Preservation of the ozone layer.

3. Save our sky : Ozone friendly planet,our target

4. Resources for rethinking

5. Ozone today: Oxygen tomorrow

6. Ozone -Nature's Sunsceen

The details are-

Size of the poster: Half imperial sheet

Last day of submission : 10 September ,2012

For any clarification and submission ,students may contact to Dr. Varsha Goyal/Dr. Poonam Parihar.

